Tuesday, November 20, 2007

New Venetian Plaster DVD is released!

This is another treat for all the authentic Venetian Plaster applicators throughout the U.S.A. Firenze Enterprises, Inc has produced the third dvd in our collection of Venetian Plaster instructional DVD's. We have taken your suggestions and real life examples learned through the years to make a resource for all types of situations. Our emphasis has always been about what sells, and what truly represents a Venetian Plaster finish. This means you will see a real customer's home being decorated with a specified color and texture. We do Venetian Plaster all year long. We teach seminars twice a month, and we send samples throughout the the nation to companies and individuals. Thus, this DVD carries a great deal of value for the industry and we're happy to be the ones to provide it. See a small preview below and feel free to contact us to obtain your copy. We have three options the various levels of interest:

1 – DVDIII order $59.95
2 – Venetian Plaster Trilogy $125
3 – Professional Pack $225

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Venetian Plaster Newsletter Issue 3!

We are still producing our newsletter! If you desire to get a hard copy, send us your mailing information! The pictures are unique and beautiful and the PDF file is rather large. We know that you have a busy schedule and may not be into posting your messages on the blog. But we are sharing information that could make you very successful, especially when it is dealing with a genuine Venetian Plasters. Let us know somehow if this is helping or if you desire more. Your friends at Firenze Enterprises.

New York Venetian Plaster Seminar Pictures

This Venetian plaster seminar took place in October, 2007 with a bit of a large crowd in our showroom. We have walls showcasing each unique finish and color and this gives people a unique understanding of the product. Our seminars happen twice a month and we generally spend the whole day teaching and having students apply the product one by one.

New York Venetian Plaster Seminar Pictures

This Venetian plaster seminar took place in October, 2007 with a bit of a large crowd in our showroom. We have walls showcasing each unique finish and color and this gives people a unique understanding of the product. Our seminars happen twice a month and we generally spend the whole day teaching and having students apply the product one by one.